home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- App Version
- Frame Bitmap "trans16.dll, 101"
- Frame Caption Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97 for Windows 16-bit Operating Systems
- Dialog Caption Base Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97
- Usage String Type SETUP to install on your local computer.
- About Box String Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97 for Windows 16-bit Operating Systems\n\nCopyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corp.
- Source Directory
- MSAPPS Location
- MSAPPS Mode local
- Suppress Serial Number Dialog
- Suppress Copy Disincentive Dialogs
- Inf File Name trans16.INF
- Maximum Object ID 300
- Floppy Mode Root Object ID 10: 35 2
- Batch Mode Root Object ID 15: 35 2
- Maintenance Mode Root Object ID 20: 2
- Setup Version
- ObjID Install During Batch Mode Title Description Type Data Bmp ID Vital Shared
- 1 Check for PowerPoint CustomAction "trans16.dll,AddAppSrch,""Not Required, C:\Powerpnt, PowerPnt.exe,4.0,PPTView.exe, 7.0, 6 7"" "
- 2 AppSearch """C:\PPTVIEW"",""PPTVIEW.EXE"",""7.0"",""2"",""NO"",""NO"",6 7"
- 6 SearchIni "POWERPNT.ini,Microsoft PowerPoint,DefaultDir,1"
- 7 SearchDrives fixed
- *Install types*
- 10 Floppy Installation Install from CD-ROM to local computer. AppMainDlg 40 : 36 85 100 yes %2
- 15 Batch Mode Installation Group 40 85 100 %2
- 20 Maintenance installation Group 40 85 100 %2
- *Custom Detections/etc*
- 30 CustomAction """trans16.dll"",""CheckPPV"","
- 35 CustomAction """trans16.dll"",""WarnOn32BitOS"","
- 36 CustomAction """trans16.dll"",""DisplayEULAList"",""license.txt"""
- 40 Install Now Click here to install the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97 for Windows 16-bit Operating Systems. Group 50 60 70 "trans16.dll, 102" %D
- 50 PowerPoint Viewer Group 51 52 53 %D
- 51 CopyFile """Viewer"",""Pptview_exe""" %D
- 52 CopyFile """Viewer"", ""Pptview_dll""" %D
- 53 CopyFile """Readme"", ""readme_txt""" %D
- 60 PowerPoint Translator Files Group 62 63 %D
- 62 CopyFile """Converters"", ""Pp8trans_dll""" %D\XLATORS
- 63 CopyFile """Converters"", ""Pp7trans_dll""" %D
- 70 System Files Group 71 %M
- 71 InstallSysFile """System"",""dib_drv"""
- 85 Graphics Filters Group 86 shared %W\MSAPPS
- 86 Group 87 88 89 90 91 %D\GRPHFLT
- 87 InstallShared """Converters"", ""pictimp_flt"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""Macintosh PICT(.PCT)"", ""1"", ""GRPHFLT"""
- 88 InstallShared """Converters"", ""emfimp_flt"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""Enhanced Metafile(.EMF)"", ""1"", ""GRPHFLT"""
- 89 InstallShared """Converters"", ""pngimp_flt"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"",""Portable Network Graphics(.PNG)"", ""1"", ""GRPHFLT"""
- 90 InstallShared """Converters"", ""jpegimp_flt"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""JPEG File Interchange Format (.JPG)"", ""1"", ""GRPHFLT"""
- 91 InstallShared """Converters"", ""Iffjpeg_dll"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""JPEG File Interchange Format (.JPG)"", ""1"", ""GRPHFLT"""
- 100 System Components (INI/Reg/System Files) Group 110 120 140 145 216
- 110 File Associations Group 111 112 113
- 111 CreateIniLine """WIN.INI"", ""Extensions"", ""pot"", ""%s\PPTVIEW.EXE ^.pot"""
- 112 CreateIniLine """WIN.INI"", ""Extensions"", ""ppt"", ""%s\PPTVIEW.EXE ^.ppt"""
- 113 CreateIniLine """WIN.INI"", ""Extensions"", ""pps"", ""%s\PPTVIEW.EXE ^.pps"""
- 120 Program Manager Group 125 %D
- 125 AddProgmanItem """Microsoft Office"", ""PowerPoint Viewer"", ""%s\PPTVIEW.EXE"", """""
- 140 Graphics Import Filters Group 141 142 143 144 %86
- 141 AddIniLine """win.ini"",""MS Graphic Import Filters"",""Enhanced Metafile(.EMF)"",""%s\EMFIMP.FLT,EMF"""
- 142 AddIniLine """win.ini"",""MS Graphic Import Filters"",""Macintosh PICT Filter(.PCT)"",""%s\PICTIMP.FLT,PCT"""
- 143 AddIniLine """win.ini"",""MS Graphic Import Filters"",""JPEG File Interchange Format (.JPG)"",""%s\JPEGIMP.FLT,JPG"""
- 144 AddIniLine """win.ini"",""MS Graphic Import Filters"",""Portable Network Graphics(.PNG)"",""%s\PNGIMP.FLT,PNG"""
- 145 Translator Registration Group 146 147 148 151 152 153 154
- == PP8 Translator ==
- 146 AddIniLine """powerpnt.ini"",""MS powerPoint Translators"",""PPT81"",""PowerPoint 97 Presentations, %s\PP8TRANS.DLL,PPT""" %62
- 147 AddIniLine """powerpnt.ini"",""MS powerPoint Translators"",""PPT82"",""PowerPoint 97 Shows, %s\PP8TRANS.DLL,PPS""" %62
- 148 AddIniLine """powerpnt.ini"",""MS powerPoint Translators"",""PPT83"",""PowerPoint 97 Templates, %s\PP8TRANS.DLL,POT""" %62
- == PP7 Translator ==
- 151 AddIniLine """powerpnt.ini"",""MS powerPoint Translators"",""PP7TRANS1"","",%s\PP8TRANS.DLL,PP7""" %63
- 152 AddIniLine """powerpnt.ini"",""MS powerPoint Translators"",""PP7TRANS2"",""PowerPoint 7.0 Presentations, %s\PP7TRANS.DLL,PPT""" %63
- 153 AddIniLine """powerpnt.ini"",""MS powerPoint Translators"",""PP7TRANS3"",""PowerPoint 7.0 Templates, %s\PP7TRANS.DLL,POT""" %63
- 154 AddIniLine """powerpnt.ini"",""MS powerPoint Translators"",""PP7TRANS4"",""PowerPoint 7.0 Slide Shows, %s\PP7TRANS.DLL,PPS""" %63
- 216 OLE Install OLE System Files Group 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 232 234 236
- 217 OLE 2.01 InstallSysFile """OLE2"",""compobj"""
- 218 InstallSysFile """OLE2"",""ole2conv"""
- 219 InstallSysFile """OLE2"",""ole2"""
- 220 CompanionFile "219 : ""OLE2"",""ole2reg"""
- 221 InstallSysFile """OLE2"",""ole2disp"""
- 222 InstallSysFile """OLE2"",""ole2nls"""
- 223 InstallSysFile """OLE2"",""ole2prox"""
- 224 InstallSysFile """OLE2"",""storage"""
- 225 InstallSysFile """OLE2"",""typelib"""
- 226 InstallSysFile """OLE2"",""stdole"""
- 227 InstallSysFile """OLE2"",""cleanup"""
- 232 Add Share AddShareToAutoexec "500, 5100, ""VSHARE"",""vshare"", 233"
- 233 InstallSysFile """VSHARE"",""ver"""
- 234 Depend "219 ? 235"
- 235 CustomAction """trans16.dll"",""ExecWinProg"",""regedit.exe; /s %sole2.reg""" %219
- 236 Depend "227 ? 237"
- 237 CustomAction """trans16.dll"",""ExecWinProg"",""regedit.exe; /s %scleanup.reg""" %227